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At Acme Brick
there’s more New Home Sales Rise to Highest Level This Year
in store for ales of newly built, single-family homes rose units is the number of homes that would sell if this
you than S rate of 689,000 units after a downwardly pace continued for the next 12 months.
6.7% in May to a seasonally adjusted annual
The inventory of new homes for sale was 299,000
in May, which is a 5.2-month supply at the current
revised April report, according to data released
great brick. Monday by HUD and the U.S. Census Bureau. This sales pace. The median sales price was $313,000.
“We saw a shift to more moderately priced home
is the second-highest sales report since the Great
Recession. sales this month, which is an encouraging sign
for newcomers to the market,” said NAHB Senior
“Sales numbers continue to grow, spurred on
by rising home equity, job growth and reports of a Economist Michael Neal. “Since the end of the
Great Recession, inventory has tracked the pace of
Your Acme Brick, Tile & Stone showroom is greater number of millennials entering the single- sales growth. While we expect continued gains in
family housing market,” said NAHB Chairman Randy single-family housing production, inventory may be
full of great products for the inside and outside Noel, a custom home builder from LaPlace, La. partially constrained by ongoing price increases for
of your homes. From our beautiful thinBRIK™ A new home sale occurs when a sales contract is lumber and other construction materials.”
signed or a deposit is accepted. The home can be Regionally, new home sales rose 17.9% in the South
interior brick walls to complete outdoor kitchens, in any stage of construction: not yet started, under to a post-recession high and remained unchanged
construction or completed. In addition to adjusting in the Midwest. Sales dropped 8.7% in the West and
we have a showroom stocked with quality
for seasonal effects, the May reading of 689,000 10% in the Northeast.
products. A bonus is the expertise of our sales force NAHB JUNE 2018
and their commitment to your total satisfaction.
Single-Family Production Will
Continue to Gain Ground in 2019
Speaking before the National Association
Natural and man-made stone, thinBRIK , indoor
of Counties Annual Conference & Exposition in
and outdoor fireplaces, outdoor kitchens, wrought
Nashville on July 15, NAHB Chief Economist Robert
iron entry doors, concrete countertops and, of course, Dietz said that the housing recovery will continue
brick and masonry supplies. Acme also offers beautiful to move forward but that builders continue to face
ceramic and porcelain tile, and wood flooring products. persistent supply-side headwinds.
Single-family housing production is expected to Even as single-family production remains a
post high single-digit percentage increases in 2018 gradual, upward trajectory, Dietz said that builders
and 2019, with starts nearing 1 million units by the continue to grapple with a number of supply side
end of 2019. While production continues to trend issues, including shortages of skilled workers and
in the right direction, this is still far below normal buildable lots and rising construction costs.
production levels of about 1.3 million single-family NAHB also continues to work with Washington
starts per year. policymakers to reduce regulatory costs, which
On the multifamily side, NAHB is expecting are hampering housing affordability. On average,
multifamily starts to fall back in 2019 from 2018 levels nearly 25% of the cost of building a typical new single-
to roughly 350,000 units. However, this does not family home – almost $85,000 – is attributable to
indicate a weakness in this market segment. From government regulation. The average regulatory cost
1995 through 2003, multifamily production averaged for multifamily production is even higher at more
331,000 units annually, which is considered a normal than 30%.
level of production. NAHB JULY 2018
16121 College Oak Dr. San Antonio TX, 78249