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Local dealer group believes in transparent

          pricing, and respect for your time.

                                                               Today, car buyers
                                                               can have a better,
                                                               no-hassle buying


                                             K AHLIG AUTO GROUP

         What is Posted Pricing?  them, and less on the back-
            Posted Pricing is our   and-forth negotiations of
         competitive, upfront,   the past.”
         No-Hassle approach to   “Our Posted Pricing ensures
         pricing our inventory.  every guest of North Park
                               receives a competitive, up-
         We’ve made it easier   front price based on current
         and more enjoyable for   market research.” Every client
         the car buyer.        should feel comfortable
                               knowing that no one is at
            All Kahlig Auto Group   an unfair advantage, due to   Kahlig Auto Group dealerships improve the Customer Experience with their Posted Prices Promise.
         dealerships have adopted   membership of car buying
         the Posted Prices philosophy.   services, or negotiating
         “Posted Pricing is designed   skills.       How can customers be
         to reduce the stress that has               sure they’re getting   “  It’s a logical informed
         often been associated with   How is Posted Pricing   the most competitive   way to purchase a new or
         the car-buying process. Our   determined?   pricing?              preowned vehicle”
         clients are searching for the   Through extensive   Once a customer is    —James Cole, General Manager,
         vehicle that fits their life   research of comparable   confident they’ve found the   North Park Volkswagon
         now and going forward, and   vehicles in the marketplace,   right vehicle in our inventory,
         they’re more time-starved   Kahlig Auto Group stores   we encourage them to ask   and help them find the
         than ever; they want an   establish a market-based   for a complimentary market    right fit in a vehicle, new
         efficient and transparent   price considering model,   analysis, to compare our   or preowned, and without
         shopping experience.” says   trim level, options, mileage,   Posted Pricing to similar   pressure but instead in a
         Chad Binder, General Manager   and levels of certification.   vehicles for sale in our   way that is professional,
         of North Park Lincoln.  “The result is a valuation   market.      personal, and fun (because
            “We know our customers’   based on competitive   Posted Pricing fits with   driving is fun!). If we just do
         time is valuable, and with   market pricing; our goal is   the Kahlig Auto Group’s   that, we find they will return
         Posted Prices we commit to   to promote a transparent,   philosophy on how best to   to us again and again, and
         helping devote more of that   customer friendly experience.”   earn our customers’ trust.    also talk about us with their
         precious time narrowing   says Billy Vaughn, Vice-Pres-  We strive to treat customers   friends and family!
         down to the right vehicle for   ident of Kahlig Auto Group.  and their time with respect,

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