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NGBS Certification Vaults

                 Past 150,000-Home Mark

              The National Green Building Standard                      GREEN CERTIFICATION GROWTH
              (NGBS) Certification Program has

              reached an important milestone
              with the certification of the 150,000th
              home to meet its requirements –
              and there are an additional 120,000

              projects in the pipeline.

                 The program is on track to issue more
              certifications in 2018 than in any year since its
              introduction in 2009.

                 “We are thrilled to see that more and more
              builders are going through the NGBS certification
              process for their single-family                                showed a 9.5% price premium for
              homes and apartment buildings,”                                homes that were certified through
              said Michelle Foster, Vice President                           third-party systems, with the NGBS
              of Innovation Services at Home                                 certification providing the most
              Innovation Research Labs, which                                added value.
              administers the NGBS.
                                                                                NGBS certification requires
                 “This program was developed to                              incorporating sustainable strategies
              recognize residential projects that excelled in high-  in multiple areas of design and construction, such
              performance design and construction. It filled     as lot development, resource, energy and water
              a market void for a green certification program    efficiency; indoor environmental quality; and
              that offered tremendous value for builders at an   operation, maintenance and owner education.
              affordable price.”
                                                                    The NAHB website has several case studies of
                                                                 NGBS-certified homes, including the first single-
              Halfway through 2018, North Carolina,              family home certified under the latest (2015)

              Florida and Illinois lead the way with the         version of the program.
              most single-family home certifications                Visit, for more
              this year. Meanwhile, Texas, Florida and           information on how to certify a project to the
              North Carolina have had the highest                NGBS.
              number of multifamily properties                      For more details about NAHB’s sustainable
                                                                 and green building programs, contact
              certified to the NGBS in 2018.
                                                                 Sustainability and Green Building Program
                                                                 Manager Michelle Diller. To stay current on the
                 Builders are drawn to the NGBS certification    high-performance residential building sector,
              because it gives them an important marketing       follow NAHB’s Sustainability and Green Building
              advantage. The 2017 Inventory Report by the        team on Twitter.
              North Carolina Building Performance Association                                  NAHB SEPTEMBER 2018

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