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Closing Strategies for Today’s

               ‘Amazon Prime’ Home Buyer

              If you have any experience                                             buyer is essentially giving
            in sales, you’ve likely heard                                            you permission to continue
            the classic line from the movie                                          to the next step in the sales
            “Glengarry Glen Ross,” “A-B-C.                                           process. One of the hardest
            A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing.”                                              early closes you can make
            But what does it mean to                                                 is getting “just looking”
            always be closing?                                                       buyers to let you walk them
              Closing is not an action but                                           through the model home.
            a strategy. As times change,                                             Most salespeople lose this
            so must a salesperson’s      Alec Baldwin in the 1992 movie “Glengarry   first close. The prospect is
            strategy for closing sales.  Glen Ross” from New Line Cinema.           either closing you on why they
              Most salespeople can tell                                             should walk it alone or you are
            you that there has been a dramatic change in home   closing them on your value as the expert. Win this
            buyers over the past 10 to 15 years. With information   close and win it early.
            so readily available, buyers are well informed about      > Educate and close, educate and close. Since
            homes before they visit them. Recent studies show   buyers come into the sales process already 60%
            that buyers come into the sales process already 60%   through the decision-making process, the remaining
            through the decision-making process.                40% relies on the salesperson to educate them and
              However, most sales professionals still sell the   close on all aspects of the product and process.
            same way they always have – highlighting benefits   Bring in experts such as the construction manager,
            and features of their products without deliberately   financial person, etc., to provide information and to
            closing each portion of the sales process. Some     make it easy to close the buyer.
            build up to closing as an event at the end of the      > You can get a contract during the first
            sales process. The most effective sales professionals,   interaction with today’s “Amazon Prime”
            however, move to the contract stage as a mere       buyers. Salespeople typically stop the sale
            formality of the verbal agreement between           themselves by assuming they covered enough for
            themselves and the buyer.                           one visit, and start to talk about follow-up items.
                                                                Instead, use the transition phrase, “Next” to explain
                Sales tactics need to evolve for today’s
              “Amazon Prime” world. Buyers already know the     what the buyer can expect each step of the way and
              features of the homes they visit, and they expect    to keep the sales clock ticking. This helps eliminate
                                                                the standstill that often forces a follow-up call or
              a swift and certain process.
            Here are some tips on how find a more relevant         Be open and willing to try a different approach to
            method to close in the current market.              closing. Informed buyers will appreciate your efficient
               > Adapt the mindset that closing is not a        selling backed by your genuine product expertise.
            single event but instead an ongoing strategy.          Chad Sanschagrin, CEO of Cannonball Moments, is
            For example, as you walk buyers through a model     an international trainer, executive coach and speaker,
            home, you close the buyers on their needs being met   and he’s mastered the science of psychology in the art
            by each room or feature in the home. To sell is to   of selling.
            close the buyer on each step of the process.           This article was adapted from the July/August 2018

               > Rip the Band-Aid off early. Close the          issue of Sales + Marketing Ideas. Download the Sales +
            prospect on something in the first few minutes of   Marketing Ideas app on iTunes or Google Play.
            interacting. When you make an early close, the                                         NAHB AUGUST 2018

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