Page 28 - BB_Nov_2018
P. 28

Arbitration Trumps Litigation:

        Home Builder Construction Disputes

        You may have heard that President                       Warranty companies generally offer pre-arbitration
                                                                conciliation for both home owners and home builders.
        Trump uses an arbitration provision in                     Home builders may also include arbitration provisions

        his confidentiality agreements to settle                in subcontractor agreements so that all potential parties

        disputes. No fake news there!                           involved in a dispute can settle on an agreement in a
                                                                single arbitration. A local attorney should review all legal
           Arbitration is widely used in most industries. But it   documents to ensure they are consistent throughout the
        is particularly beneficial for home builders and home   process and comply with the law.
        owners to expeditiously settle construction disputes,      Home owners always have a constitutional right
        which are often technical in nature.                    to sue for any reason. However, it is generally in the
           It is often said that no one wins in litigation except the   home owner’s and home builder’s best interest to
        attorneys. Arbitration, when compared to litigation in   settle construction disputes outside the courtroom in
        the court system, is fast, cost-effective, more predictable,   a fair, equitable and expeditious manner. The home
        fair and private. The final arbitration decision is legally   builder and home owner should agree to and sign the
        binding and non-appealable (unless, in very rare cases,   construction contract and warranty document with
        there are arbitrator procedural violations).            arbitration provisions prior to closing.
           NAHB policy supports initiatives that promote binding   The average total cost for a home warranty
        arbitration in residential construction contracts. Having   arbitration is $750-$5,000 (commonly split evenly
        an arbitrator with construction experience is much better   between the parties), compared to $25,000-$50,000
        than going before a judge and/or jury who will need to   for litigation. The entire arbitration process takes an
        be educated about the construction issues involved in   average of 6-10 weeks (some as little as two weeks),
        the dispute.                                            compared to 2-6 years for litigation. The average
                                                                arbitration hearing takes 1-3 hours, compared to 5-10
           Construction litigation is causing court backlogs in
        many states. Thus, home builders and home owners        days for a court trial.
        are seeking an alternative expedited dispute resolution    Arbitration is particularly effective in home building,
        process. All parties can more efficiently settle disputes by   due to the often technical nature of construction
        agreeing to an arbitration provision in the warranty and   disputes. It is fast, cost-effective, fair and equitable for
        in the general construction contract.                   all parties. Construction dispute arbitration held in
                                                                a dining room is much preferred over litigation held
           All leading third-party new home warranty
        companies typically include an arbitration provision.   in a courtroom.
                                                                                                    NAHB SEPTEMBER  2018

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