Page 24 - BB_Nov_2018
P. 24

New Home Building

               Arbitration Rules

            Provide for Quicker


          The American Arbitration Association recently issued   disputes where the claim or counterclaim is less than
        revisions to its Home Construction Arbitration Rules and   $25,000 are considered Level 1 disputes, up from the
        Mediation Procedures, which became effective on August   previous cap of $10,000.
        1. The revisions are intended to expedite the alternative   Level 1 and 2 disputes are eligible for expedited
        dispute resolution process.
                                                                hearings, saving time and money for participants.
          AAA said that it was being responsive to demands         The revisions also allow the home construction rules
        from business and consumer clients asking for a more    to be used in more cases presented to AAA and generally
        streamlined, cost-effective, and tightly-managed        allow for a quicker resolution process.
        arbitration process.
                                                                   The push for a speedier dispute resolution process
          To help speed things along, AAA increased the upper   comes as alternative dispute resolution – most often
        dollar amount limits for its service levels, resulting in more   arbitration or mediation – becomes increasingly popular
        disputes being heard at lower service levels. For example,
                                                                as consumers and businesses attempt to avoid the

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