Page 20 - BB_Nov_2018
P. 20

Annual Military




        Residential                                                                                                                                                     Luncheon

                                                                                                                                          Friday, November 16

        Yep, lighting can be an incredible aesthetic            only part of what                                                         11:30 am – 1:30 pm GSABA Ballroom
        addition to a build. LED lighting offers much           The Pyramid Group

        more than just efficiency — it can bend and             brought to the table
                                                                during the two and
        twist, becoming an architectural element.               half years this home’s

           But there’s another aspect of lighting that’s gaining   systems went from
        traction: the notion of “human-centric” lighting that adds   blueprints to bio-
        to the wellness of a building’s occupants. It’s a concept   rhythmic reality.
        that’s been used by a growing number of business           The home also
        spaces to provide a better environment for employees.   boasts multiple zones
        Now, it’s being adopted in residential applications, too.  of distributed audio
           Here’s a striking example of how lighting fills the roles   and video, climate
        of both beauty and benefit: The home pictured above     control, blinds and
        is a vacation destination quite close to the legendary St.   curtains, lighting,
        Andrews’ golf course in Scotland. It’s owned by a family   discrete video
        in the United States who visits the property frequently —   monitoring and door                                                   It is time to share Thanksgiving with the soldiers
        which means jet lag is often an issue.                  access, a remote HD “wildlife” camera to glimpse the                      who  are  away from  home  for  the  holidays,
                                                                fauna on the Scottish shoreline, and gate and door
           While the home was being built, the family consulted                                                                           often for the fi rst time. Because this becomes
        a UK-based firm called The Pyramid Group. The           security controls.                                                        their  “Family Holiday,” we  try  very  hard  to
        Pyramid team, using a custom set of drivers from           The control systems include an easy-to operate user                    make it special!
        Control4, integrated a hybrid set of DMX and DALI       interface that also gives the owner a remote monitoring
        luminaires throughout the building that were linked to an   feature so that the family can check in on their vacation             GSABA  &  Building  Believers  are  requesting
        astronomical clock.                                     estate from their home in the States.                                     the help of both volunteers and donations to
           The result? Lighting that not only accentuates the      But it’s the lighting in this luxury build that really grabs the       be able to host this luncheon. Any donation
        lines and spaces of this custom build, but also mimics   headlines. And although the solution’s part of a high-                   large or small is appreciated!
        natural sunlight on the cloudiest of Scottish afternoons.  end home, the technology exists for more modest budgets.
           This lighting scheme is in tune with the circadian      This NAHBNow guest post is from Ed Wenck, content                      To Donate Contact Building Believers
        rhythms of its human owners, and helps re-regulate      marketing manager for CEDIA, the industry association
        the residents’ internal, natural clocks, even after they’ve   where you can find local professionals who design and               Bryan Lee   (210) 705-4714
        crossed an ocean and multiple time zones.               integrate technology for the connected home.                              Wanda Herber   (210) 913-5656
           The automated lighting system in this building is                                         NAHB SEPTEMBER 2018

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