Page 18 - BB_Nov_2018
P. 18


           HOME NETWORK:

                AVOIDING THE



                     OF DEATH’
                                                                                                                                FEB 22-24 The Alamodome

           As “smart” devices are increasingly                 home coverage and an exceptional Wi-Fi experience

           brought into American residences, a                 from the day the home owner moves in.”
                                                                  If you have a couple of laptops and a phone or
           growing number of home owners are                   three using that bandwidth in a home that’s under,               Meet Thousands of Qualified
           discovering that some of those gadgets              say, 2,000 square feet, everything will work fine. But
           are becoming less reliable.                         add anything from a smart TV streaming a movie                   Buyers at The Biggest Home

                                                               service to a wireless audio system to a connected
             The problem is often not with the devices         fridge, and the bandwidth that particular Wi-Fi                  and Garden Event in Texas!
           themselves, but rather, the network those devices   device provides can become rapidly unstable.
           rely on. “There are several different statistics floating
           around out there,” says Erik Anderson, national sales   “Most lighting controls do not use the home network.         The San Antonio Home and Garden show, presented by the Greater San
           manager with Lutron, “but the average age of the    They use Clear Connect, Z-wave, and the like so it’s not a       Antonio Builders Association, is proud to celebrate our 39th year
                                                               burden on a Wi-Fi network,” Anderson said.
           gear in a home network is somewhere between                                                                          serving San Antonio. We are especially proud to be the largest, most
           eight and 10 years.”                                   In those cases, the solution that many integrators            prestigious, and best attended home and garden event in Texas.
                                                               will suggest is a hybrid system: Many devices are                What does that mean to you and how does it translate to sales?
             It’s something that Ric Johnson, president and
           CEO of Right At Home Technologies in Ada, Ohio,     hardwired (yes, this requires running cable behind                Distinguish yourself as one of San Antonio’s finest builders
                                                               drywall), and Wi-Fi is supported — especially in larger
           sees in his business: “I keep running into old Netgear                                                                or remodelers
           or Cisco types of systems that aren’t set up for    homes — by multiple “wireless access points” beyond               Create a show room right at the show and visit face-to-face
                                                               that single modem-and-router combo device.
           devices today, very slow. A lot of the time, there’s                                                                  with thousands of customers who paid to see you
           not even enough infrastructure in place to fix it.     As Erik Anderson noted, “In my home, all the TVs
           I constantly see homes with outdated ethernet       are connected via copper wires. The Wi-Fi signals                 Bring your samples, interactive floor plans and sales
           cabling — Cat 5, not even 5e — and the bandwidth is   are really just for portable devices: the kids’ tablets,        materials and give quotes and bids right there at the show
           terrible.”                                          laptops, things like that.
             What’s more, he said, “A few years back, a couple    “But you’ve got to remember: Every family,                    Thousands of Customers.
           of big production builders made the announcement:   every combination of square footage and building                 Qualified Leads.
           ‘We’re gonna outfit every one of our houses with    materials, every level of ‘tech-adoption’ is different           Face-to-Face Sales.
           Wi-Fi.’ Then they partnered with one of the cable   from customer to customer. It’s really tough to take
           companies or one of the satellite companies to      a one-size-fits-all approach when you’re installing a            All in one place.
           provide X amount of equipment.”                     home network.”                                                   All on one weekend.
             Enter the Wi-Fi Alliance, which introduced           This guest post is from Ed Wenck, content
           a program — Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Home Design —           marketing manager for CEDIA, the industry association
           bringing “enterprise design practices for planning   representing those professionals who manufacture,               To secure your space at the show, contact us:
           and installing Wi-Fi networks to the new home       design and integrate goods and services for the
           construction industry, resulting in consistent, whole-  connected home.                                              210-408-0998
                                                                                                 NAHB OCTOBER 2018    
       18                             NOVEMBER 2018  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION
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