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Keep Your Projects

 Moving With

 Security Service

 A One-Time Close Loan from Security Service
 provides a great experience for your client

 and an even better experience for you.

 What is a Security Service One-Time Close?  allows you to take on larger, more ambitious projects
 A One-Time Close loan from Security Service Federal   without worrying about rushing or running out of
 Credit Union makes it simple for your clients to   time.
 finance their new homes by
 combining their construction   Why is a One-Time Close
 and mortgage loans. Their   “We’re a builder and basically half our   good for my clients?
 construction loan transitions   clients use the Security Service One-  Many lenders charge inflated
 to a mortgage loan once   Time Close loan. It’s awesome. We   rates for construction loans, but   Looking for a great partnership with your lender? Build your client’s next
 construction is complete,   haven’t been able to find anything   Security Service provides the
 eliminating the need for   same low rates for construction   home with Security Service Federal Credit Union. Our dedicated team for
 additional closing costs or   that matches or competes with it   through our Power Rate and   draw requests will get funds to you quickly so you can expedite your build,
 another loan application.  nationwide. Our people love it. The   Power Mortgage products.   plus a Security Service One-Time Close will save your clients time and money.
 ability to lock in your interest rate   Secondary financing is also   You’ll finish construction with happy customers and more time to move on to
 Is it easy to access funds   way up front, to pay interest-only   available for some clients. Most   the next project. Partner with Security Service to keep your projects moving.
 with Security Service?  payments, and then have the loan   importantly, Security Service
 Yes! Security Service has a   roll into a 30-year fixed at the end—   loan officers have extensive
 dedicated team for draw   It’s amazing.”   experience working with builders |
 requests, so funds are   and homebuyers, so they’re
 disbursed to you quickly.   – Andrew Baston,    prepared to help your clients
 A quicker funding process   Copper Homes  through every step of the process
 means less down time during   and ensure they have a good
 construction so you can finish   buying experience.
 each home faster and move on to the next.
 How do I work with Security Service?
 How long does Security Service finance the   For more information about working with Security
 construction phase?  Service, please visit Ready to
 While most lenders will only finance 6 to 12 months   become an accepted builder with Security Service?
 for construction, Security Service will finance a   Email us at
 build for up to 24 months. This extended timeframe

 Membership eligibility required. Loan subject to credit approval. Subject to change without notice.  Membership eligibility required. Loan subject to credit approval. Subject to change without notice.
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