Page 10 - BB_Nov_2018
P. 10


        Hollywood-Crawford Unveils

        New Showroom!                                                     Dozens of garage doors and openers

                                                                          on display for builders and homeowners.

        SAN ANTONIO—With an ever-expanding  look like wood, are also popular. The
        array of styles, looks and materials available  showroom features a door made
        today in the market, homeowners  have  entirely of copper and designed to
        many  choices  in  garage  doors.  That’s  weather to a beautiful patina.
        why Hollywood-Crawford has opened   The latest in garage door openers
        a new 2,000-sq.-ft. showroom with   are also on display in the showroom.
        approximately 50 different garage   Manufacturers offer smart garage door
        doors on display, along with a variety of   openers that allow homeowners  to
        garage door openers.           operate their doors from a smartphone.
          The newly remodeled and expanded  Apps also let a homeowner know if
        Hollywood-Crawford showroom is  a  door  is  open,  enable them to open
        located at11234 Gordon Road. It’s the  and close the door remotely from their
        same location with a new look, provides  phone and even let them schedule to
        homeowners many different designs  close their garage door at a specific
        and options to select from in garage  time each evening or after it has been
        doors and openers.             left open for a pre-determined amount
          “Garage doors are about aesthetics   of time.
        as much as function today,” said   In addition to seeing choices up close
        Randy Oliver, president of Hollywood- in the showroom, homeowners can go
        Crawford Garage Door Company.  to to
        “They are an important part of the  upload photos of their home’s exterior
        overall design and look of any home’s  and select different door options
        exterior, giving homeowners exactly the  and place on their home to achieve
        look, they want.”              the desired . Visit the new showroom
          Whether  building  a  new  home   before December 31 , 2018 and receive
        or upgrading an existing home,   a free can of special garage door and
        homeowners can choose from a wide   opener spray lubricant. You can also
        range of styles, panels, colors, windows   enter to win a free Genie ReliaG 3120H-
        and decorative hardware for garage   B belt-drive garage door opener with
        doors. Some of the trends on display   a built-in battery backup and wi-fi with
        include modern, contemporary looks   the Aladdin Connect feature which
        with frosted glass, white laminated   allows you to control and monitor
        glass, even mirrored glass. Wood-  your  garage  door opener from  your
        look doors, typically steel painted to   smart phone.

                                                                             For more information call 210.494.3434 or visit
                                                                             The showroom is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                             Monday through Friday & 9 a.m. to 1  p.m. on Saturday
                                                                             Located at 11234 Gordon Road, San Antonio, TX 78216
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