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Practices of
We understand you have a business Whether it’s Ford, Ram, or Chevy
to run and we also realize sometimes trucks, Audi, Lexus or Lincoln executive High-Performing
you’re faced with the unfortunate ups and vehicles or fleet sedans, Kahlig Auto Group
downs of running it efficiently. The Kahlig can help you select the right vehicles and
Auto Group’s FLEET ADVANTAGE can programs to meet your unique business Sales Managers
help you in many ways. needs.
can provide your business with expert ADVANTAGE, your short cut through the
specialized care whether your needs car buying process. We stock a complete Do you want to lead your teams to 4. Create a motivating culture. It’s amazing
are 1 vehicle, 100 vehicles or more. We selection of luxury vehicles at our dealer- higher performance? The key is to what the best sales people accomplish when
understand the importance of affordable, Next Available Bay Advantage. Service Professionals ships and can provide you with an off-site they feel their results are important and genuinely
focused on fixing your vehicle right and fast.
reliable transportation in your business. transaction. Making it easy and stream- focus on the right stuff. appreciated. Take time to share the significance
Our knowledgeable staff can service just lined. All advantages for your business. The best sales managers know they must: of the business goals, and thank them when they
about any business transportation need WE CAN HELP YOU SAVE WITH have achieved it! Call them personally after a big
for sedans, light or medium duty trucks. UPFITTERS TOO. 1. Hire the best and brightest. There is no substitute week. Send a note to their home. Recognize them
We provide our Fleet Customers with Because of our large volume of busi- for building a team stacked with top talent. The best publicly. And connect with them as individuals.
priority next available bay service with ness, and our established relationships Remember, we sales managers know the magical combination is: (1) Learn their personal goals and purpose. Focus on
Service Professionals focused on fixing with some of the best upfitters and truck Pick Up & Deliver High Drive – you can’t teach this. These people have an helping them achieve their mission, and keep track
your vehicle right and fast, getting you equipment manufactures around, we are and provide innate desire to win. (2) Results Oriented – the closers of it. If they’re not on target, sit down with them
and your business back on the road. able to pass on significant savings to you. Service Loaners who are acutely focused on activities that get them to and brainstorm the actions that will lead to their
for Executive Sales. the finish line. (3) Problem Solving Skills – the solution-
OUR TEAM IS EXPERIENCED AND ALWAYS oriented folks who always find opportunities to move success. Maybe you agree to release a few new
home sites. Your engagement shows you care.
READY TO HELP. GIVE US A CALL TODAY. FLEET a situation forward. (4) Optimism – they expect to That’s a motivating coach.
win, and they do. (5) Likeability. Others are drawn to
5. Always be coaching. There are teachable
Contact Us (210) 426-3306 AD ANTAGE them because they are genuine, confident and fun! moments every day. The best sales managers
Today! Your Service Advantage On the Road to Success 2. Invest in training and development. With spend time in the field, even with their stars. They
everyone. No matter how long they’ve been selling. listen. They catch them doing something right,
Newbies need direction and support. Veterans can and complement them. They don’t say “that was
get complacent, bored, even rusty. Make certain that great, but…” Instead they say, “that was terrific
wherever you place them, they have the tools and because…” and share the impact of the behavior.
know-how to be successful. Even a veteran in a new This is especially beneficial when you observe them
Larry Brown
neighborhood needs time to learn the new area,
Corporate Fleet Sales Manager community and product, and he needs practice interacting with customers and you complement them on a specific skill that led to a positive result,
Cell: (210) 859-1706 adapting to the new buyer profile. like asking a compelling closing question. They
3. Master the skill of competitive community will remember what they said and use it again,
positioning. You can hire the best talent, but if you put replicating the positive behavior that got results.
them in a community where the pricing and positioning The best sales managers know that when they
are wrong, they will never succeed. And you risk losing focus on the right stuff, everyone wins.
them. It’s the sales manager’s responsibility to ensure
the community has the proper positioning and a Kathy Tucker is a sales management consultant
compelling competitive advantage. The absolute best with New Homes Solutions and a member of the
sales managers collaborate with the sales agent and Tampa Bay Builders Association and its Sales &
division leadership to masterfully devise the positioning Marketing Council.
that sets everyone up for success. NAHB AUGUST 2018
eMail: | Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. or by appointment 24/7 Web: NOVEMBER 2018 | GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION 15
Fleet Advantage Advertorial.indd 1 9/7/17 2:15 PM