Page 23 - BB_Nov_2018
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                   2018 CITY CODE CLASS

               Get the Latest Changes & Requirements
                   Join GSABA and the City of San Antonio
             made to Federal Guidelines from the EPA                            *
            Development Services Team for the City Code Classes
                                   Presented in Partnership With

                        Presented in
                            Thursday, October 25                 th
                                Thursday, November 8          th
                  11:30 am - 1:00 pm | GSABA Ballroom (Lunch Served $15/Person)
                        11:30 am - 1:00 pm | GSABA Ballroom                                  Lunch Provided By:
             The EPA has AMENDED the Texas          Instructors Patrick Hodgkiss, CESSWI
             Pollutant Discharge Elimination        & Gretchen Reutzel, CESSWI, CPESC
                 Register $15 to Attend
             System (TPDES) General Permit          with Compliance Resources, Inc. have
             Learn about changes to Electronic      conducted and supervised:
            The Top Ten Turndowns since the adoption of the 2018 IRC and
                                                      Stormwater Inspections in San Antonio
             reporting for the Construction
            IECC Codes. Join the Building Inspectors and members of DSD                       SWPPP It
                                                      Experience in Implementing Storm
             General Permit (CGP)
             City of San Antonio (SAWS)             Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)   Don’t Sweat It!
            as they share in detail what is working and what is not since the
                                                      Certi  ed Erosion, Sediment and Storm
             Stormwater Ordinance NEW ‘POST
            adoption of the 2018 codes.             Water Inspectors (CESSWI)
             Stormwater Permit’ requirements                                              Get the Latest
           Two Lunch Partnerships Available, call Alexis at 210-696-3800 for details.    Avoid Big Fines!

            OSHA Fall Prevention Certi  cation Class

                                    Presented in Partnership With

                             Thursday, December 6                   th

                             10:00 am - 2:30 pm | GSABA Ballroom

                  Sign-In at 9:45 a.m. | Lunch Served $15/Person Maximum Capacity 40

             Class Includes Fall Hazard Awareness,             Instructor Matt Murphy,
             Prevention, Solutions & Rescue                    owner of SEE Inc.  SEE
              Condensed four-hour class that meets OSHA’s      Inc. offers   OSHA
             site-speci  c fall protection plan and meets the   Training   Full Site Safety
             requirements of 29 CFR 1926.502(k)                Consulting Services
             Details on what is required in your written and     Custom Training
             site-speci  c fall protection plan                Programs   Hazard
             A review of the safe work practices that must     Assessments, Audits,
             be used to minimize the risk of workers falling   Site Inspections           Did you know that
             during home construction operations with an       * Environmental              40% of fatal falls
             emphasis on how to protect stairways, leading     Protection Agency (EPA)
             edges, window/wall openings and   oor holes                                  occur from heights
           Two Lunch Partnerships Available, call Alexis at 210-696-3800 for details.       15 feet or lower?

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