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overcrowded and costly U.S. court system. Learn more
about arbitration in construction. New Trade Deal Could
Peter Merrill, owner of Construction Dispute Resolution
Services and an NAHB member, has been advocating for Open Door for Future
an even more streamlined approach through a process Lumber Talks
called binding mediation. Merrill writes, “Especially on
smaller disputes, when there is virtually no discovery The new trade deal between the U.S., Canada
necessary, binding mediation should prove to be the and Mexico that will replace the North American Free
best ADR method to settle a dispute.” Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the United States-
Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, has the
In binding mediation, the parties agree to first try potential to yield positive developments regarding
to settle their dispute through mediation. If they are the ongoing U.S.-Canada lumber trade dispute.
unable to reach an agreement, they give the mediator All three nations must still ratify the new
the power to make a decision for them. This can lead to agreement. While the accord does not specifically
incredibly quick resolutions, which can be critical when address the lumber trade conflict, it does leave
disputes arise during a home build. in place the dispute resolution mechanism from
There will always be disputes between builder and their NAFTA’s Chapter 19. Now moved to Chapter 31,
clients. The first job for homebuilders is to minimize disputes. it allows a panel with representatives from each
But when they arise, think of the words of Abraham country that is party to a dispute to challenge tariffs
that may be imposed. Under NAFTA, the Chapter 19
Lincoln which underpin the very idea of mediation mechanism has been successfully used by Canada
and arbitration: “Discourage litigation. Persuade your in the past to challenge the U.S. on its softwood
neighbors to compromise whenever you can.” For more lumber trade restrictions.
information, contact David Jaffe at 202-266-8317. With the negotiations on the USMCA accord now
NAHB AUGUST 2018 completed by the three nations, this leaves open
the possibility that the U.S. and Canada can now
focus on resolving bilateral trade issues regarding
softwood lumber.
NAHB Chairman Randy Noel has sent a letter to
President Trump urging him to negotiate now. For
Electrical Services Security more information, contact David Logan at 800-368-
Lighting & Home Technology 5242 x8448 or Alex Strong at x8279.
The electrical contractor that builders and suppliers prefer
to work with, and people prefer to work for. Trump Signs Bill to Keep
In Charge provides electrical, low-voltage, and security Government Running
solutions to many of the nation’s largest tract and custom
home builders throughtout Texas. On September 28, 2018, President Trump signed
legislation to fund the departments of Defense,
Unparalleled service, the highest quality of work, and Labor, Education, and Health and Human Resources
expert advice on-call for you! through fiscal 2019, which ends Sept. 30, 2019.
Low voltage leading material and installation techniques All other agencies that have not yet received
to equip your homes with the best audio, video, and appropriations, including HUD and the Department
of Agriculture, will be funded at fiscal 2018 levels
network systems. under a continuing resolution that will expire at 11:59
p.m. on Dec. 7.
Without the continuing resolution, unfunded
agencies would have been forced to shut down on
Oct. 1. For more information, contact Jessica Hall at
Contact Seth Robinson 512.402.4446 800-368-5242 x8253. NAHB SEPTEMBER 2018