Page 62 - Magistrates Conference 2019
P. 62

Discount for a Guilty Plea Cont.

                                                          • The Court in Da Costa Hall v The Queen [2011] CCJ 6 was careful to

                                                              ensure transparency when dealing with the time spent in custody. The
                                                              same approach should apply when dealing with discounts for guilty

                                                              pleas. It is insufficient for a judge to simply indicate that he has taken

                                                              an  accused’s  guilty  plea  into  account.  It  is  best  practice  when
                                                              imposing  sentence  after  a  guilty  plea,  for  the  judge  to  state  the

                                                              measure of the discount if any occasioned by the guilty plea.

                                                          • Judges are also required to set out in their reasons the methodology

                                                              of  the  discount  and  explain  in  arithmetical  terms  how  he  has  dealt
                                                              with the discount for the guilty plea.

                                                          • While the one third discount for a guilty plea acts as a general rule,

                                                              there are cases in which the circumstances are so grievous that even

                                                              on a guilty plea, this disentitles the convict to a one third discount or
                                                              to any discount at all.

                                                          See  the  dicta  of  Yorke-Soo  Hon,  J.A.  in  Terry  Daly  v  The  State  at

                                                          paragraphs 16-18                                                                                                         25
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