Page 59 - Magistrates Conference 2019
P. 59
The Sentencing Methodology Cont.
STEP 3 • (Where appropriate) a discount for a Guilty Plea - any
deviation from the usual discount requires particularly careful
justification and an explanation which is clearly expressed.
• “There is a long established principle that an early and/or non-
tactical plea of guilt attracts a ‘discount’, unless there is
compelling reason to deny it”: as per Justice Weekes in
Alexander Don Juan Nicholas, Gregory Tan and Oren Lewis
v The State Cr. App. Nos. 1-6 of 2013 at paragraph 57.
• No absolute rule as to what the discount should be, but as
general guidance, an order of one-third would be an
appropriate discount from the sentence which would
otherwise be imposed on a contested trial: see R v. Buffrey
(1993) 14 Cr. App. R. (S.) 511, CA.