Page 26 - Handbook DPG 2019-08
P. 26
DPG reserves the right to review, audit, intercept, access, and/or disclose all data stored on
any company’s networks, hardware, storage, digital, communication, or multimedia devices.
These resources include all DPG networks, networking devices, personal digital systems, cell
phones, phone systems, payroll, finance systems, and associated computer storage media.
All data on networks or devices mentioned above are the exclusive and confidential property of
DPG. Misuse or conveyance of this information to unauthorized personnel is not allowed and
can result in immediate termination.
DPG does not condone the use of company property to be used to save or store any data
that may be inappropriate, non-business related, or data intended for personal use. All data
saved or stored on company property or media owned, rented, or leased, remains solely the
property of DPG.
DPG and companies reserve the right to enforce an effective use of resources, and will remove
any unauthorized, inappropriate, non-business related, or personal data, immediately and
without warning. Personal data should not be kept on any company equipment or devices.
7.7 Monitored Use Policy
You are accessing an information system that is provided for authorized use only.
DPG routinely monitors communications occurring on this information system, and any
device attached to this information system, for purposes including, but not limited to,
penetration testing, communications security (COMSEC) monitoring, network defense, quality
control, employee misconduct investigations, law enforcement investigations, and
counterintelligence investigations.
At any time, DPG may inspect and/or seize data stored on this information system and any
device attached to this information system.
Communications occurring on or data stored on this information system, or any device attached
to this information system, are not private. They are subject to routine monitoring and search.
Any communications occurring on or data stored on this information system, or any device
attached to this information system, may be disclosed or used for any DPG-authorized
Security protections may be utilized on this information system to protect certain interests that
are important to the company. For example, passwords, access cards, encryption or biometric
access controls provide security for the benefit of the company. These protections are not
provided for your benefit or privacy and may be modified or eliminated at the company’s