Page 21 - Handbook DPG 2019-08
P. 21

  Failure to maintain a neat and clean appearance in terms of the standards established
           by DPG; departure from accepted conventional modes of dress or personal grooming;
           wearing improper or unsafe clothing.
           Alteration of your time records or attendance documents; altering another employee's
           time records, or causing someone to alter your time records; punching another
           employee's timecard or having another employee punch your timecard.
           Violation of posted no solicitation/no distribution rules.
           Other acts or failure to act that is clearly detrimental to the best interest of the
           Company and its employees.

       If you have questions concerning any work, safety rule, or any of the unacceptable activities
       listed, please discuss them with your manager.

       7.2 Privacy Practices Disclosure

       DPG uses PI for claim and operational purposes. Subject to certain requirements, we may give
       out personal information without your authorization for public health reasons, auditing
       purposes, and emergencies.

       Workers’ Compensation
       DPG may release your PI for workers’ compensation and similar programs.

       Disclosures Required by Law
       DPG will use and disclose your PI when we are required to do so by federal, state, or local law.

       In addition to the above described uses and disclosures of your PI, we may also use and
       disclose your PI under the following unique circumstances.

       Your Rights:

       The Right to Inspect and Copy

       You have the right to inspect and obtain a copy of your PI that we maintain and have in our
       possession, including medical records (if we maintain any) and billing records, but not including
       psychotherapy notes. If you request copies, we will charge you a fee for the costs of copying,
       mailing, labor, and supplies associated with your request. To inspect and copy your PI, you
       must submit your request in writing.

       The Right to Amend your PI
       If you feel that any PI we have about you is not correct or incomplete, you may ask us to
       amend the information. You have the right to request an amendment for as long as the
       information is kept by DPG. To request an amendment, your request must be made in
       writing. Additionally, you must provide a reason that supports your request.

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