Page 18 - Handbook DPG 2019-08
P. 18

B.  No employee or Company organizational activity may make or grant, directly or
             indirectly, to an owner, employee or other representative (including any relative or
             friend on such person’s behalf) of an organization with which the Company does
             business or seeks to do business, any gift or favor.

           C.  No employee or Company organizational activity may solicit or accept any gift,
             favor, support, or sponsorship from an organization that does business or seeks to
             do business with the Company in connection with any Company athletic event or
             other Company recreational activity, such as a Christmas party or other Company
             sponsored gathering, consisting principally of Company employees

           D.  An employee who solicits donations on behalf of a charitable or other outside
              organization should endeavor to avoid creating the basis for an implication of
              influence or pressure by the Company.

        First Aid
        Federal law (OSHA) requires that records be maintained for all illnesses and accidents which
        occur during the workday. The Michigan Workman’s Compensation Act also requires that you
        report any illness or injury on the job, no matter how slight. If you hurt yourself or become ill,
        please contact your manager for assistance. Failing to report an injury may jeopardize your
        right to collect workers' compensation payments as well as health benefits. OSHA also
        provides for your right to know about any health hazards, which might be present on the job.
        Contact your manager for any questions or concerns you may have.

        Neatness and good housekeeping are signs of efficiency. You are expected to keep your work
        area neat and orderly at all times—it is a required safety precaution.

        Please put all litter in the appropriate receptacles and containers located throughout the
        facility.  Always be aware of good health and safety standards, including fire prevention. Please
        report anything that needs repairing or replacing to your manager immediately.

        We Need Your Ideas/Suggestions
        We believe the person doing a job is in the best position to suggest ways of doing it more easily,
        more efficiently, and more effectively. If you think of a better way of doing your job or the job of
        a fellow employee, or have suggestions about other improvements, discuss it with your
        manager. We welcome your suggestions and ideas.


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