Page 13 - Handbook DPG 2019-08
P. 13
other employees. If you should damage another car while parking or leaving, immediately
report the incident, along with the license numbers of both vehicles and any other pertinent
information you may have, to your manager.
DPG does not assume any liability for any loss or damages you may sustain.
Personal Phone Calls and Mail
Please keep personal phone calls to a minimum—they must not interfere with your work.
Occasionally there is a need to make and take calls dealing with daily family matters. Avoid
calls that are "small talk" in nature, as they create an unprofessional image and interfere with
the work that needs to be done. Calls on company telephones for essential personal business
should, to the extent possible, be made during lunch or break periods only. Please do not
abuse this privilege. Emergency calls regarding illness or injury to family members, changed
family plans, or calls for similar reasons may be made at any time.
Also, please do not use DPG as a personal mailing address
Safety is everybody's business. Safety is to be given primary importance in every aspect of
planning and performing all DPG activities. We want to protect you against injury and illness.
Please report all injuries (no matter how slight) to your manager immediately, as well as
anything that needs repair or is a safety hazard. Below are some general safety rules. Your
manager may post other safety procedures in your work area:
Use flammable items, such as cleaning fluids, with caution.
Walk, don't run.
Report to your manager if you or a coworker becomes ill or is injured.
Ask for assistance when lifting heavy objects or moving heavy furniture.
Smoke only in designated smoking areas.
Keep your work area clean and orderly, and the walkways clear.
Watch out for the safety of fellow employees.
Failure to follow these rules will be considered serious infractions of safety procedures and will
result in disciplinary actions and/or termination.
In accordance with Michigan state law, smoking is not permitted in any DPG Office(s) or
customer’s buildings or facilities. Do not smoke in areas where you are directly serving
customers and where it may be offensive to your coworkers. Smoking is also not permitted in
any customer site location and DPG company vehicles. If you smoke, there are appropriate
places for you to take a short break:
• Parking Lot at the company building.