Page 12 - Handbook DPG 2019-08
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6.2 Standards of Conduct Policies
At DPG, we hold ourselves to a high standard of conduct to assure that quality is maintained as
we achieve our goals—working together efficiently, effectively, and harmoniously.
As an employee of DPG, you have a responsibility to your associate employees to adhere to
certain standards of conduct. The purpose of rules is to assure appropriate behaviors for the
conduct of business. Our organization is a more enjoyable place to work when everyone can
fully depend upon fellow workers to adhere to basic rules of conduct.
If you have questions concerning any work or safety rule, or what constitutes as a misconduct
activity, please see Appendix section 7.1.
6.3 Privacy Practices Disclosure
DPG understands the importance of keeping your personal information private. Personal
information includes both medical information and individually identifiable information, such
as your name, address, telephone number, or social security number. We are required by
applicable federal and state laws to maintain the privacy of your personal information.
Both under law and our policy, DPG has a responsibility to protect the privacy of your
personal information (PI). We:
protect your privacy by limiting who may see your PI;
limit how we may use or disclose your PI;
inform you of our legal duties with respect to your PI;
explain our privacy policies; and
strictly adhere to the policies currently in effect.
DPG is required to abide by the terms of this policy. However, we may modify the terms of
this policy at any time, and the new policy will be effective for all PI in our possession at the
time of the change, and any received thereafter. Upon request, we will provide you with any
revised policy.
For more information, please see Appendix section 7.2.
6.4 Other Policies
Parking Lot
Please use the parking areas designated for DPG employees at the office and at customer
specific site locations. Remember to lock your car every day. Courtesy and common sense in
parking avoids accidents, personal injuries, and damage to your vehicle and to the vehicles of