Page 16 - Handbook DPG 2019-08
P. 16

accompanied by receipts and approval by your manager. Expense reports/vouchers must be
       submitted every two weeks, as you incur authorized reimbursable expenses. Approved
       expenses will be reimbursed the last pay day of each month.

       Fiduciary Duty
       All employees are to be free from the influence of any conflicting interest when they represent
       DPG in negotiations or make recommendations with respect to dealings with third parties.
       Employees are expected to deal with suppliers, subcontractors, customers, and all others doing
       business with DPG solely on the basis of what is in the best interest of DPG.

       Employees shall not seek or accept payments, loans, services, excessive entertainment, travel,
       or gifts of more than $25.00 in value from any individual, business, or other representative
       doing or seeking to do business with DPG.

       Employees are prohibited from soliciting or performing work in competition with the Company
       and/or its affiliates. Outside work cannot be solicited or performed on the Company time or
       premises; nor can DPG equipment, materials, resources, or inside information be used for
       outside work.

       Comply with our Customer Code of Conduct Policy
       Although friendly relations with organizations with which the Company does business are
       desirable and may be advantageous to the Company, employees must be guided by high
       standards of personal conduct and integrity in those relationships. Not only should employees
       avoid favoritism, preferential treatment, and unethical business practices, they also should
       avoid conduct that might be misinterpreted by others or might provide any basis for questions
       as to its propriety.

       When an outside activity or financial interest concerns an organization with which the Company
       does business, the application of intelligence and good judgment, both by the individual
       employee and by the Company, is required to avoid any basis for criticism or misunderstanding.

       In following these general principles, employees should adhere to the standards of conduct set
       forth below. These standards are for illustrative purposes and are not intended to cover all
       situations that may arise.

       If at any time an employee of the Company has any questions concerning the application of this
       portion of the policy, the questions should be discussed with the employee’s manager. In
       addition, any question of significance, or where the answer is not clear, shall be referred to the

       Prohibition of Gifts or Favors

           A.  No employee may solicit, directly or indirectly, for such employee’s benefit or for
             the benefit of any relative or friend, any gift or favor from an organization with
             which the Company does business or that seeks to do business with the Company.
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