Page 13 - Handbook DPG 2019-08
P. 13

•  Customer designated areas.

       Please be courteous and concerned about the needs of your fellow employees and others. The
       wishes and preferences  of non-smokers  will  take  precedence over  those employees who
       smoke. Please do not smoke in restricted areas.

       Solicitations and Distributions
       Solicitation for any cause during working time and in working areas is not permitted. Do not
       distribute non-company literature in work areas at any time during working time. Working time
       is defined as the time assigned for the performance of your job and does not include break
       periods  and meal times.  Working areas  do not  include  the  parking areas.  Solicitation during
       authorized meal and break periods is permitted so long as it is not conducted in working areas.
       However, the sale  of  merchandise  or  solicitation of  money or  contributions without
       Management approval is not permitted.

       Persons not employed by DPG are prohibited from soliciting or distributing literature on
       company property.

       Property theft of any type will not be tolerated. Property theft is the unauthorized use of
       company services or facilities, taking of any company property for personal use, or taking the
       personal possessions of other employees. The following examples are not all-inclusive, but
       provide illustrations of activities which are unacceptable.

             Use of company copy machines for personal use is prohibited
             Office  copiers are not  provided as  a free service  to employees.    Utilizing office
             copiers for personal use is a form of property theft.

             Use of computers
             DPG's computers are to be used exclusively for business purposes unless
             personal use is authorized by your manager.

             Taking of company property
             No item purchased or supplied by DPG should ever be removed from company
             premises without the expressed authorization of your manager.

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