Page 14 - Handbook DPG 2019-08
P. 14
Safety and common sense prohibits unescorted visitors in our facilities. Visitors are not
permitted on DPG property without prior permission from your manager; visitors are not
permitted in working areas. Please remember that all former employees, applicants, family
members, clients, customers, and friends are considered visitors. If you are expecting visitors,
please request permission from your manager and ask your visitors remain in the lobby or site
waiting area. For safety reasons, all visitors must sign in and out at the front desk or at the job
site when entering and leaving the premises, and are not permitted to enter through the side
or back entrances.
Successful working conditions and relationships depend upon successful communication. You
need to be aware of changes in procedures, policies, and general information, and need to
communicate your ideas, suggestions, personal goals, or problems as they affect your work.
In addition to daily exchanges of information and expressions of ideas and attitudes, be aware
of and utilize all DPG methods of communication, including this Employee Manual, email,
bulletin boards, discussions with your manager, memoranda, staff team meetings, training
sessions, etc.
You will receive other information, from time to time. You may take this information home so
your family may know more about your job.
Additionally, you may periodically receive letters or memos from DPG (there is no regular
schedule for distribution of this information). The function of each letter is to provide you and
your family with interesting news and helpful information, which will keep you up to date on
current events.
Company Meetings
Occasionally, you may be requested to attend a company sponsored meeting. It's to your
advantage to be at these meetings to receive information on DPG events, review problems and
possible solutions, and make suggestions about your department or job. Your attendance is
required when scheduled during regular working hours. Attendance at company meetings held
outside of regular working hours is voluntary unless otherwise indicated by DPG Management.
Computer Software (Unauthorized Copying)
DPG does not condone the illegal duplication of software. The copyright law is clear. The
copyright holder is given certain exclusive rights, including the right to make and distribute
copies. Title 17 of the U.S. Code states that "it is illegal to make or distribute copies of
copyrighted material without authorization" (Section 106). The only exception is the users' right
to make a backup copy for archival purposes (Section 117).
For more information, please see Appendix section 7.3.