Page 26 - RDRA_2018_2022
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Table 2.1. Technological Innovation Research Areas for Agriculture,
                               Hunting, Forestry and Fishing
             Development         Research     Rationale/Objective of    level
              Challenges           Areas            Research
         Declining productivity   High Value   To identify the causes    UP
         of major high value   Commercial     for the decline in the
         crop commodities      Crops          productivity of major
                                              high-value crop
                                              To develop new              P
                                              sources of farm
                                              productivity growth and
                                              diversifying income
         Declining agricultural   Adoption of   Research on high-         P
         lands                 innovative     yielding crop varieties
                               technology for   and modern farming
                               agricultural   methodologies to
                               scanning       increase production
                                              and maximize land use.
         Declining fisheries’   Fisheries     To identify the causes     UP
         production.           development    for the decline of fish
                                              production and
                                              recommend strategies
                                              to improve production.
         Vulnerability of      Climate          Drought-resistant       UP
         farmers and           change and        and cultured rice
         fisherfolks to natural   natural        varieties will
         hazards               hazards           contribute in
                                                 ensuring food
                                                 security despite the
                                                 impacts of extreme
                                                 weather conditions.
                                                Impacts of invasive
                                                 species in local fish
                                                Potential use of
                                                 yapyap and
                                                 indigenous/ invasive
                                                 species of fish.

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