Page 27 - RDRA_2018_2022
P. 27
Development Research Rationale/Objective of level
Challenges Areas Research
Seed Increase in seed UP
production production and
and fingerlings fingerlings supply
supply New practices and
technologies for
alternative sources of
income of farmers
and fisher folks.
Low Waste To develop new P
adoption/absence of management products from
researches on the and utilization agricultural waste
technologies on materials.
waste management
and utilization
Low adoption on the Development To develop and P
post-harvest and introduce new
technology introduction of processing
new technologies.
Insufficient water Water supply To adopt or conduct P
supply especially in techno-demo on solar
upland areas pad with submersible
Production of upland Upland rice To develop geospatial P
rice production database management
systems for planning,
monitoring and
Lack of market Agricultural To identify new market P
linkage economics linkages of agriculture
and marketing farms.
High incidence of Pest control To develop new HP
pest and improper systems to control
use of pesticides the spread of major
agricultural pests.
Development of
surveillance data
Calabarzon Regional Development Research Agenda 2018-2022 Page 17