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             Development         Research     Rationale/Objective of    level
              Challenges           Areas            Research
         Degradation of        Agricultural   To  study  strategies  to   P
         agricultural lands    land           rehabilitate  and  restore
                                              vulnerable areas due to
                                              landslide   and   soil

           Table 2.2. Socio-economic and Policy Research Areas for Agriculture,
                              Hunting, Forestry and Fishing
             Development         Research       Rationale/Objective
              Challenges           Areas           of Research          level
         Multiple layers of    Agriculture      Supply value-chain      HP
         marketing and         supply and        of agricultural
         distribution agents of   marketing      products to
         agricultural products                   determine the losses
         result in large losses                  of quantity and
         both in quantity and                    quality.
         quality which leads to                 Decrease of
         lower income for                        unnecessary layers
         producers and higher                    in the value chain.
         price for consumers.
         Declining interest in   Business       Increase in              P
         the agriculture sector   incubation     agricultural
                               Review of        Formulate policies
                               existing policy   that will increase the
                                                 interest in the

         ASEAN economic        Policy          To study the impact of    HP
         integration and lifting   analysis/review  ASEAN economic
         of quantitative                       integration of  the
         restrictions.                         agricultural products
                                               including the key
                                               players such as
                                               farmers and suppliers.

        Calabarzon Regional Development Research Agenda 2018-2022           Page 19
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