Page 269 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 269

Zachman                 Framework              class                         Modules            paper that              week
                          framework               metamodel              discussion                                       distinguish Zachman
                          metamodel ;          B.  The framework for                                   Learning Guide     framework over
                      2.  explain the             enterprise             Seatwork                                         traditional process.
                          framework for           architecture                                         Computer/Lapto
                          enterprise              a. background                                        p/mobile phone
                          architecture;           b. description
                      3.  explain the             c. utility
                          structure of            d. Software
                          Zachman                 Maintenance
                          framework;           C.  Structure of
                      4.  explain Zachman         Zachman
                          framework vs.           Framework
                          traditional          D.  Zachman
                          software process.       Framework vs.
                                                  Traditional Software
                 3     After the completion  III.  Traditional           Lecture/          Distanced  Lectures            Act. No.2               Before
                       of the unit, students     Approaches to           Discussion          Mode      (Power Point       Lecture                the end
                       will be able to:          System                                     (online)   Presentation)      Seatwork No. 2:        of week
                      1.  explain summary        Development &           Presentation                                     1. What are the          3rd
                          on traditional         Enterprise                                            Modules            steps in the            week
                          system                 Engineering             Interactive                                      traditional system
                          development          A.  Summary on            class                         Learning Guide     development in your
                          methods;                Traditional System     discussion                                       own words.
                      2.  evaluate the            Development                                          Computer/Lapto     (maximum 200
                          technology              Methods                Seatwork                      p/mobile phone     words)
                          dependence           B.  Technology
                          problems and            Dependence
                          solution                Problems
                          considerations.      C.  Solution
                      3.  explain enterprise      Considerations
                          engineering.         D.  Enterprise
                 4     After the completion  IV.  Balanced Score         Lecture/          Distanced  Lectures            Act. No.3               Before

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