Page 270 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 270
of the unit, the Card & Strategy Discussion Mode (Power Point Lecture the end
students will be able Maps Presentation (online) Presentation) Quiz No. 1: of week
to: A. The Balanced Summarize 4th
1. apply the Business Scorecard Interactive Modules Balanced Score week
balanced B. Benefits of the class Card & Strategy
business Balanced Scorecard discussion Learning Guide Maps in your own
scorecard; C. Strategy Mapping words.
2. explain the Quiz Computer/Lapto (maximum 200
benefits of the p/mobile phone words)
3. explain the
strategy mapping.
5 After the completion V. BSC & SM Discussion Distanced Lectures Act. No.4 Before
of the unit, the Implemented Mode (Power Point Lecture the end
students will be able Examples Presentation (online) Presentation) Quiz No. 2: of week
to: A. Developing a Describe strategy 5th
1. explain Strategy Map Interactive Modules map in your own week
developing a B. Organizing class words and give one
strategy map; Perspectives discussion Learning Guide example.
2. explain C. Commercial Strategy (maximum 100
organizing Map Quiz Computer/Lapto words)
perspective; p/mobile phone
3. apply commercial
strategy map.
6 After the completion VI. Business Continuity Discussion Distanced Lectures Act. No.5 Before
of the unit, the Planning Mode (Power Point Lecture the end
students will be able A. Introduction BCP Presentation (online) Presentation) Seatwork No. 3: of week
to: B. Recovery Describe in your own 6th
1. Recognize BCP; Alternatives Interactive Modules words the process of week
2. Identitfy recovery C. Business Continuity class business continuity
alternatives; Plan Phases discussion Learning Guide plan phases.
3. evaluate business D. BCP Benefits (maximum 200
continuity plan E. BCP Process Seatwork Computer/Lapto words)
phases; F. Risk Management p/mobile phone