Page 275 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 275
Context; Alignment Matrices discussion Learning Guide own words. Why are
2. appreciate C. Activity Modeling they important?
strategic Concepts Quiz Computer/Lapto (maximum 200
alignment D. Activity-Based Costing p/mobile phone words)
matrices; E. Workflow Modeling
3. evaluate F. Business Rules for
activity modeling Workflow Modeling
4. appreciate
5. appreciate
6. apply business
rules for workflow
14 After the completion XIII. Business Discussion Distanced Lectures Act. No.12 Before
of the unit, the Normalization and Mode (Power Point Quiz No. 8: the end
students will be able Types Presentation (online) Presentation) What is of week
to: A. Introduction to normalization and 14th
1. Appreciate Normalization Interactive Modules explain types of week
introduction to B. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and class normalization?
normalization; 4th Business Normal discussion Learning Guide (maximum 200
2. appreciate 1st, Form words)
2nd, 3rd, and C. Identifying Current Quiz Computer/Lapto
4th business and Future Business p/mobile phone
normal form; Needs
3. evaluate current D. Capturing Expert
and future Business Knowledge
business needs;
4. evaluate expert
After the completion XIV. Menu, Screen Discussion Distanced Lectures Act. No.13 Before