Page 276 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 276
15 of the unit, the designs and Mode (Power Point Quiz No. 9: the end
students will be able Performance Analysis Presentation (online) Presentation) Explain menu, of week
to: A. Initial Menu screen designs and 15th
1. Appreciate Structure from a Interactive Modules performance week
initial menu Data Model class analysis in your own
structure from a B. Preliminary discussion Learning Guide words.
data model; Screen Designs (maximum 200
2. appreciate from a Data Model Quiz Computer/Lapto words)
preliminary C. Database Capacity p/mobile phone
screen designs Planning and
from a data Transaction
3. apply capacity
planning and
16 After the completion XV. Web Services for Discussion Distanced Lectures Act. No.14 Before
of the unit, the Real Time Mode (Power Point Quiz No. 10: the end
students will be able Integration Presentation (online) Presentation) Explain web of week
to: A. Introduction to Web services for real 16th
1. Appreciate Services Interactive Modules time integration in week
introduction to B. Intranet and Internet class your own words.
web services; Web Services for discussion Learning Guide (maximum 200
2. appreciate Integration words)
intranet and C. XML Standards for Quiz Computer/Lapto
internet web Web Services p/mobile phone
services for D. Web Services
integration; Evolution
3. appreciate XML E. Challenges in Phase
standards for 3 Evolution
web services; F. Web Services
4. appreciate web Products
5. explain
challenges in