Page 272 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 272

5.  explain lay out      G. Detail Financial Plan
                          product and               and Projections
                          services;            H. Add Appendix
                      6.  explain marketing
                          and sales plan;
                      7.  explain financial
                          plan and
                      8.  apply appendix.
                 9                                                         MIDTERM EXAMINATION
                 10    After the completion  IX. Step by Step            Discussion        Distanced  Lectures            Act. No.8               Before
                       of the unit, the      Approach for                                    Mode      (Power Point       Quiz No. 5:            the end
                       students will be able  Governance Analysis        Presentation       (online)   Presentation)      Explain in your own    of week
                       to:                   using Enterprise                                                             words the step by        10th
                         1.  Appreciate      Architecture and GA         Interactive                   Modules            step approach for       week
                           responsibilities   Framework                  class                                            governance analysis
                           imposed by           A. Responsibilities      discussion                    Learning Guide     using enterprise
                           Sarbanes-            Imposed By Sarbanes-                                                      architecture and GA
                           Oxley;               Oxley                    Quiz                          Computer/Lapto     framework.
                         2.  explain            B. Managing Internal                                   p/mobile phone     (maximum 200
                           managing             Controls using                                                            words)
                           internal control     Enterprise Architecture
                           using enterprise     C. Governance
                           architecture;        Analysis Framework
                         3.  evaluate           (GA F) for Sarbanes-
                           Governance           Oxley
                           Analysis             D. Developing
                           Framework for        Governance Analysis
                           Sarbanes-            Framework for an
                           Oxley;               Enterprise
                         4.  apply              E. Methods and Tools
                           developing           for Governance
                           Governance           Analysis Frameworks
                           Analysis             F. Business
                           Framework for        Transformation using

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