Page 299 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 299
2-3 After the completion II. Introduction to Interactive Distance Mode Learning Individual activity 2 Week 6
of the chapter, Research learning Module 1. Identify someone
students will be able 1. Research Asynchronous who already
to: 2. Who will conduct a Self-paced self-paced conducted a research.
1. determine the research? learning through learning from 2. Have an interview to
importance of 3. Why research is a learning home ask for the approach
research; requirement? modules/ used in the research
2. analyze why a 4. Research Approach google and the whole
research is being a. Quantitative classroom process.
conducted; b. Qualitative 3. Summarize the
3. differentiate 5. Other Research Type procedure performed
quantitative and 6. Basic and Applied Observation/ by the researcher.
qualitative research Research Interview 4. Check for
approach; 7. Research Issues problem(s)
4. distinguish basic encountered during
from applied research; the conduct of
and research.
5. point out issues 5. photo/video record
that arise when while conducting the
conducting a interview or
research. screenshot of the
interview conversation
as proof
*Documentation to be
submitted as output
4-5 After the completion III. Research Process Interactive Distance Mode Module Group Activity 1 Week 6
of the chapter, Overview learning (Divide the students
students will be able 1. Introduction of CvSU Asynchronous Sample into groups)
to: Research Thrust Self-paced self-paced Completed 1. formulate 3
1. identify the 2. Introduction learning through learning from Research research/ capstone
research thrust of the Department’s Research learning home Project topic and research
university and the Thrust modules/ problem
department; Trece: google 2. brief overview of
2. formulate a a. Web and Mobile classroom existing studies/
research topic; Application technology related to
2. write a well-defined b. Network and Brainstorming the research