Page 302 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 302
5. properly cite
author(s), indirect
sources, and
electronic sources;
6. write the reference
list properly.
13-14 After the completion VII. Methodology Interactive learning Distance Mode Module Group activity 5 Week 16
of the chapter, 1. Materials 1. write the
students will be able 2. Methods Self-paced learning Asynchronous chapter three of
to: 3. Statistical Treatment of through learning self-paced the research/
1. identify and Data modules/ google learning from capstone project
describe the materials classroom home proposal
to be used (hardware 2. video record/
and software project); Brainstorming screenshot of the
2. elaborate the brainstorming
process in the session
development of the 3. compilation of
capstone project; and capstone project
3. apply the statistical proposal
treatment of data from
the collected raw
15-16 After the completion VIII. Research Results, Interactive learning Distance Mode Module Group activity 6 Week 17
of the chapter, Summary, 1. write a sample
students should be Recommendation and Self-paced learning Asynchronous results of the
able to: Conclusion through learning self-paced research/
1. properly present 1. Results and Discussion modules/ google learning from capstone project
and discuss results; (Analysis, presentation, classroom home proposal
2. correctly interpret and interpretation of data) 2. video record/
the collected data; 2. Summary Brainstorming screenshot of the
3. summarize, 3. Conclusion brainstorming
conclude and 4. Recommendation session
recommend from the 5. Appendices
result of a research;
4. determine the
importance of
appendices section.