Page 353 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 353

the chapter, students       System Analyst               and/or             Learning                     1-page          before
                       should be able to:           A.  The Analyst as a        asynchronous                    Multimedia      research on     week 3
                      1.  explain the key role          Business Problem        discussion                       resources      the role of
                          of a systems analyst          Solver                                                  (PowerPoint     systems
                          in business;              B.  Systems that solve      Interactive                    Presentation,    analyst in a
                      2.  describe the various          Business Problem        Online class                  video clips, etc.)  selected
                          types of an analyst       C.  Required Skills of the   discussion                                     organization
                          might work on;                Systems Analyst                                         References
                      3.  explain the               D.  The Environment         Informal/                       (textbooks/     2-page Case
                          importance of                 Surrounding the         Creative                          eBooks)       Analysis 1:
                          technical, people,            Analyst                 Learning                                        Association for
                          and business skills       E.  The Analyst’s Role in                                  Computer unit/   Information
                          for an analyst;               Strategic Planning      Small Group                    laptop/ tablet   Technology
                      4.  explain why ethical       F.  The Analyst as a        Discussion/                    mobile phone     Professionals
                          behavior is crucial for       System Developer        Brainstorming/                                  Meeting
                          systems analyst’s                                     Cooperative
                          career;                                               Learning
                      5.  describe the many
                          types of technology                                   Case Analysis/
                          an analyst needs to                                   Term Paper
                      6.  describe various jobs
                          titles and places of
                          employment where
                          analysis and design
                          work are done;
                      7.  discuss the analyst’s
                          role in strategic
                          planning for an
                          organization; and
                      8.  describe the analyst’s
                          role in a system
                       After the completion of   III.  Object-Oriented          Synchronous         Online        Module        Activity 2:        On or
                       the chapter, students         Development and the        and/or             Learning                     Adopting           before

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