Page 354 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 354

should be able to:            Unified Process            asynchronous                    Multimedia      Methodologies     week 5
                      1.  explain the purpose     A.  The Systems               discussion                       resources      , Models,
                         and various phases          Development Life Cycle                                     (PowerPoint     Tools, and
                         of the traditional          a.  The Traditional        Interactive                    Presentation,    Technique
                         systems                         Predictive SDLC        Online class                  video clips, etc.)
                         development life                Approaches             discussion                                      Dealing with
                         cycle (SDLC);               b.  The Newer Adaptive                                     References      Tools to
                      2.  explain when to use            Approaches to the      Informal/                       (textbooks/     support
                         an adaptive approach            SDLC                   Creative                          eBooks)       System
                         to the SDLC in place        c.  The Unified Process    Learning                                        Development
                         of the more predictive          Life Cycle                                            Computer unit/
                         traditional SDLC;        B.  Methodologies, Models,    Small Group                    laptop/ tablet   2-page Case
                      3.  describe how the           Tools, and Techniques      Discussion/                    mobile phone     Analysis 2:
                         more adaptive            C.  The Unified Process as    Brainstorming/                                  A College
                         Unified Process (UP)        a System Development       Cooperative                                     Education
                         life cycle uses             Methodology                Learning                                        Completion
                         iterative and            D.  The Unified Process                                                       Methodology
                         incremental                 Disciplines
                         development;                a.  Business Modeling      Case Analysis/                                  Factory
                      4.  explain the                b.  Requirements           Term Paper                                      System
                         differences between         c.  Design                                                                 Development
                         a model, a tool, a          d.  Implementation                                                         Project
                         technique, and a            e.  Testing
                         methodology;                f.  Deployment
                      5.  describe the Unified    E.  Overview of Object-
                         Process as a                Oriented Concepts
                         comprehensive            F.  Tools to Support System
                         system development          Development
                         methodology that
                         combines proven
                         best practices with
                         the iterative UP life
                     6.  describe the
                         disciplines used in a

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