Page 359 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 359

After the completion of   VIII.  Designing the Data      Synchronous         Online        Module        Activity 7:        On or
                       the chapter, students          Access Layer              and/or             Learning                     Creating           before
                       should be able to:         A.  Database and Database  asynchronous                       Multimedia      Object-           week 18
                      1.  describe the               Management Systems         discussion                       resources      Oriented
                          differences and         B.  Object-Oriented                                           (PowerPoint     Database
                          similarities between       Databases                  Interactive                    Presentation,    Design
                          relational and object-  C.  Relational Databases      Online class                  video clips, etc.)
                          oriented database       D.  Object-Relational         discussion                                      2-page Case
                          management systems;        Interaction                                                References      Analysis 6:
                      2.  design an object        E.  Distributed Databases     Informal/                       (textbooks/     Computer
                          database schema         F.  Database Design within    Creative                          eBooks)       Publishing
                          based on a class           the Unified Process        Learning                                        Incorporated
                          diagram;                                                                             Computer unit/
                      3.  design a relational                                   Small Group                    laptop/ tablet
                 14       database schema                                       Discussion/                    mobile phone
                          based on a class                                      Brainstorming/
                          diagram;                                              Cooperative
                      4.  describe object-                                      Learning
                          relational design
                          issue, including data                                 Case Analysis/
                          access classes and                                    Term Paper
                          data types;
                      5.  describe the different
                          architectural models
                          for distributed
                          databases; and
                      6.  determine when and
                          how to design the
                       After the completion of   IX.  Designing the User-       Synchronous         Online        Module        Activity 8:        On or
                       the chapter, students         Interface Layer            and/or             Learning                     Designing          before
                       should be able to:         A.  Identifying and           asynchronous                    Multimedia      Windows           week 18
                      1.  evaluate the               Classifying Inputs and     discussion                       resources      User-Interface
                          difference between         Outputs                                                    (PowerPoint     Layer
                          user interfaces and     B.  Understanding the User    Interactive                    Presentation,

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