Page 362 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 362

discipline to the       E.  Planning and Managing     Discussion/                    mobile phone
                          implementation,            Implementation, Testing,  Brainstorming/
                          testing, and               and Deployment             Cooperative
                          deployment of a                                       Learning
                      4.  integrate various
                          approaches to data
                          conversion and
                          system deployment
                          and describe the
                          advantages and
                          disadvantages of
                          each; and
                      5.  adapt training and
                          user support
                          requirements for
                          new and operational
                 18                                                      FINAL EXAMINATION
                                                                       COURSE REQUIREMENTS
                Lecture Requirements:
                   1.  Activities
                   2.  Mid-Term Examination
                   3.  Final Examination
                   4.  Class Attendance/Participation/Recitation

                Laboratory Requirements:
                   1.  Case Analysis
                   2.  Class or Group Projects (Project Design Proposal – Manuscript and Presentation/Defense)
                   3.  Portfolio/ e-Portfolio
                   4.  Class Attendance/Participation/Recitation

                *All exams must follow a Table of Specifications (TOS) and Rubrics for evaluation of student’ performance or projects.

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