Page 360 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 360

system interfaces;         Interface                  Online class                  video clips, etc.)  Designing
                      2.  explain why the user       a.  Physical Aspect of     discussion                                      Browser
                          interface is the               the User Interface                                     References      Based User-
                          system to the users;       b.  Perceptual Aspect of  Informal/                        (textbooks/     Interface
                      3.  discuss the                    the User Interface     Creative                          eBooks)       Layer
                          importance of the          c.  Conceptual Aspect      Learning
                          three principles of            of the User Interface                                 Computer unit/
                          user-centered design;      d.  User-Centered          Small Group                    laptop/ tablet
                      4.  apply the eight                Design                 Discussion/                    mobile phone
                          golden rules of            e.  Human-Computer         Brainstorming/
                          dialog design when             Interaction as a Field  Cooperative
                          designing the user             of Study               Learning
                          interface;                 f.  Metaphors for
                      5.  write user-computer            Human-Computer
                          interaction scenarios          Interaction
                          as dialogs;             C.  Guidelines for Designing
                      6.  create storyboards         User Interface
                          to show the                a.  Visibility and
                          sequence of forms              Affordance
                          used in a dialog;          b.  Eight Golden Rules
                      7.  adapt UML class         D.  Documenting Dialogs
                          diagrams and               Designs
                          sequence diagrams          a.  Use Cases,
                          to document dialog             Subsystem, and the
                          designs; and                   Menu Hierarchy
                      8.  design windows             b.  Dialogs and
                          forms and browser              Storyboards
                          forms that are used        c.  Dialog Documentation
                          to implement a                 with UML Diagrams
                          dialog.                 E.  Guidelines for Designing
                                                     Windows and Browsers
                                                  F.  Guidelines for Designing
                                                     Web Sites
                 16    After the completion of   X.  Designing System           Synchronous         Online        Module        Activity 9:        On or

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