Page 421 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 421
Mode of Resources Outcomes- Due
Week Intended Topic Teaching and Delivery Needed based Date of
No. Learning Learning Submis
Outcomes (ILO) Activities (TLA) Assessment sion of
After the I. Orientation Online Class via Distance BSIT Program Individual Week 2
completion of the A. University Vision, Google Meet Mode Curriculum Activity 1:
chapter, students Mission, Quality Policy, Reflection
will be able to: and Tenets Video streaming Course Syllabus Paper
of CvSU at the
1. understand the B. Campus Goals, IT Glance located at Student
university vision Department Goals, https://www.yout Handbook
and mission, quality
policy, and rules of Objectives, Research =_4bQ1Z9gUuA Infographics
university in student Thrust, Activities and Downloaded
handbook; and Research and Step-by-step videos
1 2. identify the Extension Programs guide of using
course Google Prerecorded
description, C. The Course Classroom video tutorial
content, 1. Description
requirements, 2. Content Reflection Paper
grading system as 3. Requirements Writing
well as class
policy. 3. Grading System and
Guidelines and
D. Basics of Google
After the II. Managing A Prerecorded Distance Smartphones/ Group Activity
2 completion of the webinar Lecture Mode Tablets/Ipad/ #1: Week 3
chapter, students Discussion Laptops with The students
will be able to: 1. What is Project internet access will look for a
Management successful