Page 422 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 422

1. understand the   2. Project planning       Focus Group                         Google Meet        project
                         significance of     3. Importance and Uses  Discussion                                               management
                         project             of Project Management                                         Google             examples and
                         management          In managing the           Reflecting on                       Classroom          will create a
                         2. familiarize with   webinar                                                                        reaction paper
                         the different                                                                                        for it
                         examples of
                         3. learn the actual
                         project planning
                   3     After the           III. Organizing the       Prerecorded            Distance     Smartphones/       Group Activity  Week 4
                         completion of the   Project team for          Lecture                 Mode        Tablets/Ipad/      #2:
                         chapter, students   webinar                   Discussion                          Laptops with       Students will
                         will be able to:    1. Project Team                                               internet access    select and
                         1. understand the   requirements              Focus Group                                            choose their
                         importance of a     2. Project Scheduling     Discussion                          Google Meet        own groups to
                         team in Project                                                                                      be used for the
                         management                                                                        Google             Project
                         2. understand the                                                                 Classroom          Management
                         project scheduling                                                                                   as well as for
                                                                                                                              the conducting
                                                                                                                              of Seminars/
                         After the           IV. Integrating Risk      Prerecorded            Distance     Smartphones/       Group Activity  Week 5
                  4-5    completion of the   Management in             Lecture                 Mode        Tablets/Ipad/      #3:
                         chapter, students   organizing a webinar/     Discussion                          Laptops with       The students
                         should be able to:   project                                                      internet access    will create an
                         1. understand the                             Focus Group                                            example of Risk
                         advantages and      1. What is Risk           Discussion                          Google Meet        Management
                         disadvantages of    Management                                                                       that can be
                         a risk              2. Examples of Risk       Creating Risk                       Google             used for a
                         management in a     Management                Management                          Classroom          specific project/
                         project             3. Importance of Risk     Plan                                                   organization

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