Page 424 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 424

1. evaluate the                               Presentation of
                         meeting outcomes                              faciltated                          Google Meet
                         2. list all the                               webinars
                         feedbacks                                     outcomes,                           Google
                         3. determine the                                                                  Classroom
                         good and the bad                              results of
                         side of the entire                            evalaution and
                         event                                         identified
                                                                       strength, needs
                                                                       for improvement,
                                                                       and best

                  18                     Submission of Compilation of Narrative Reports and Softbounded Class Webinar Documentation
                                                                      COURSE REQUIREMENTS
                Lecture Requirements:

                    1.  Reflection paper/ Group activities
                    2.  Seminars/ Webinars/ Training documentation
                    3.  Narrative report

                                                                          GRADING SYSTEM

                        Reflection paper/ Group activities                                           - 15%
                        Seminars/ Webinars/ Training Attended                                 - 30%
                        Seminars/ Webinars/ Training Conducted                              - 30%
                        Final presentation and documentation                                     -25%

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