Page 431 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 431

job creation and the          National economy        Consultation                                  a male and female
                          national economy;          2.  Nature of              via call, text                  PowerPoint    entrepreneurs/tech
                       2.  explain the nature of        Entrepreneurship and    message,                       Presentation   nopreneurs to
                          entrepreneurship and          Technopreneurship       instant                         (Lecture /    compare and
                          technopreneurship; and                                messaging,                      Handouts)     contrast their
                       3.  identify the differences   A.  Differences between   group chats, e-                               management
                          between entrepreneur and     Entrepreneur and         mail, etc.                        Guide       styles.
                          technopreneur.               Technopreneur                                            Questions
                                                                                Activity                        Computer /
                                                                                                              Laptop / Mobile
                4-5    After the completion of the   II. Decision to Become an   Lecture          Distance   Reference Book  Online Quiz 1           Week 6
                       unit, male and female students    Entrepreneur           Presentation       Mode
                       will be able to:              1.  Introduction to                                      Learning Guide   Individual Activity
                       1.  define entrepreneurship;     Entrepreneurship        Discussion                                    2:
                       2.  discuss the significance of  2.  Changing Demographics                                Module
                          entrepreneurship; and         of Entrepreneurs        Consultation                                      Students will
                       3.  explain the entrepreneurial  3.  Entrepreneurship’s   via call, text                 PowerPoint        conduct an
                          process.                      Importance              message,                       Presentation     interview to male
                                                     The Entrepreneurial Process  instant                       (Lecture /        and female
                                                                                messaging,                      Handouts)      business owners to
                                                                                group chats, e-                                  determine their
                                                                                mail, etc.                        Guide        reason for being an
                                                                                                                Questions        entrepreneur.
                                                                                Activity                      Computer /
                                                                                                             Laptop / Mobile
                6-7    After the completion of the   III. Government            Lecture           Distance   Reference Book  Online Quiz 2           Week 8
                       unit, male and female students   regulations             Presentation       Mode
                       will be able to:              1.  High-tech industry                                   Learning Guide   Research
                       1. discuss a high-tech industry;   2.  Idea Generation and   Discussion                                Assignment 1:
                       2. discuss the development of                                                             Module
                         business idea;                 Evaluation              Consultation                                  Students will
                       3. determine the IPR, patents   3.  IPR, Patents and Legal   via call, text              PowerPoint    conduct a research
                         and legal issues; and          Issues                  message,                       Presentation   about the latest
                       4. identify financing   sources   4.  Financing Sources     instant                      (Lecture /    technology in the IT
                         for the business.                                      messaging,                      Handouts)     industry to cite its

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