Page 432 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 432

group chats, e-                               relevance to the
                                                                                mail, etc.                        Guide       growth of the
                                                                                                                Questions     economy.
                                                                                    Activity                    Computer /
                                                                                                              Laptop / Mobile
                 8     After the completion of the   IV.  Feasibility Analysis   Lecture          Distance   Reference Book  Online Quiz 3          Week 10
                       unit, male and female students   1.  Feasibility Study   Presentation       Mode
                       will be able to:              2.  Creating a Feasibility                               Learning Guide   Group Project 1:
                       1.  explain a  feasibility study;   Study                Discussion                                     Students will create
                       2.  explain a project plan; and                                                           Module         a feasibility study
                       3.  create a feasibility study.                          Consultation                                   for their proposed
                                                                                via call, text                  PowerPoint          product.
                                                                                message,                       Presentation
                                                                                instant                         (Lecture /
                                                                                messaging,                      Handouts)
                                                                                group chats, e-
                                                                                mail, etc.                        Guide
                                                                                    Activity                    Computer /
                                                                                                              Laptop / Mobile
                 9                                                             MIDTERM EXAMINATION
               10-11   After the completion of the unit,   V. Business Plan      Lecture          Distance    Reference Book  Group Project 2:      Week 12
                       male and female students will   1.  Business Plan         Presentation       Mode
                       be able to:                   2.  Reasons for writing a                                Learning Guide   Students will create
                       1.  define business plan; and     business plan           Discussion                                    a business plan for
                       2.  identify the reasons for   3.  Guidelines for writing a                                Module         their proposed
                          writing a business plan.       business plan           Consultation                                       product.
                                                     4.  Outline of the Business   via call, text               PowerPoint
                                                         Plan                    message,                      Presentation
                                                     5.  Presenting the Business  instant                        (Lecture /
                                                         Plan to the Investors   messaging,                     Handouts)
                                                                                 group chats, e-
                                                                                 mail, etc.                       Guide

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