Page 458 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 458

4.  define  the  strategic  planning,  project  management,
                              enterprise  risk  management  and  electronic  marketing     E     E    E    E    D     E    D    D    E     D    D    D    E
                              strategies; and
                          5.  integrate  in  business  process  the  implementing  standards
                              used in e-business.                                          E     D    D    D    D     E    D    D    E     D    D    D    E
                              *Level :          I-Introductory         E- Enabling           D-Demonstrative
                                                                              COURSE COVERAGE
                                                                                                                               Outcomes-       Due Date of
                       Week     Intended Learning             Topic            Teaching and        Mode of      Resources         based        Submission
                        No.      Outcomes (ILO)                                                    Delivery       Needed      Assessment        of Output
                                                                              Activities (TLA)
                               After  the  completion  I.  Introduction       Synchronous           Online     Course         Activity 1:     On or before
                               of  the  unit,  students   A.  University VMGO  and/or              Learning    Syllabus       1-page          the end of
                               will be able to:            and Quality        asynchronous                                    reflection      week 1
                                  1.  explain the          Policy             discussion                       Student        paper on how
                                      vision,          B.  Gender and                                          Handbook       the students
                                      mission and                             Interactive                                     understand
                                      quality policy       Development        Online class                                    the vision and
                                      of the           C.  Disaster           discussion                                      mission of the
                                      University;          Management                                                         University
                                  2.  discuss the          Plan               Informal/
                                      importance of    D.  Waste              Creative
                                      gender and                              Learning
                         1                                 Management
                                      awareness;           Plan               Reflection
                                  3.  identify the     E.  The Course
                                      disaster               a.  Descriptio
                                      management                 n
                                      plan;                  b.  Content
                                  4.  explain                c.  Guidelines
                                      blended                    and
                                      learning                   policies
                                      approach;        F.  Overview about
                                  5.  determine the        Blended
                                      course               Learning

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