Page 460 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 460
business (Website
electronically; Title and
and Scope)
6. present the title,
design, and
scope/ features
of an e-
After the completion III. Frameworks and Synchronous Online Module Online Quiz On or before
of the chapter, Architecture and/or Learning 2. the end of
students will A. Actors and asynchronous Multimedia Frameworks week 5
be able to: Stakeholders discussion resources and
1. differentiate the B. Fundamental (PowerPoint Architecture
main actors and Sales Process Interactive Presentation of e-
stakeholders in C. Technological Online class , video clips, Commerce
the area of e- Elements discussion etc.)
2. execute the Informal/ References Laboratory
fundamental Creative (textbooks/ Exercise 2:
sales process; Learning eBooks) Progress
3. identify the Report and
technological Small Group Computer Monitoring of
elements, which Discussion/ unit/ laptop/ e-Commerce
enabled the big Brainstorming tablet mobile Website
success of e- phone
Commerce; and Collaborative
4. design a simple work Guide
e-Commerce Questions
Website Plan of Online
the approved e- Quiz/Laboratory
Commerce Exercise
After the completion IV. B2C Business Synchronous Online Module Online Quiz On or before
of the chapter, A. The Process and/or Learning 3. B2C the end of