Page 474 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 474
*Level : I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative
Outcomes- Due Date
Wee Intended Learning Topic Teaching and Mode of Resources based of
k Learning Submissi
No. Outcomes (ILO) Activities (TLA) Delivery Needed Assessment on of
1 I. Introduction
1. University VMGO
and Quality Policy Second
After the 2. Gender and week
completion of the Development
unit, students will 3. Disaster
be able to: Course
1. identify the Management Plan Syllabus Reflection
4. Waste Management
objectives of the Plan Synchronous/ paper: CvSU
course; Distance Student
2. explain the 5. Course Description, online discussion Mode Handbook Policies and
Content, Guidelines,
vision, mission and and Policies Learning
quality policy of the Computer/
University 6. Overview of Blended Smartphone
3. use digital 7. Project
platform for
blended learning Requirements
demonstrating system
security concepts)
2 After the I. Security and Risk Distance Module Case Analysis Third
completion of the Management Synchronous/ Mode No. 1: week
chapter, students 1. Security Governance asynchronous E-book The CIA Triad,
should be able to: Through Principles and online discussion Aligning Security
1. describe the Policies Computer/ to Organization,
importance of 2. Personnel Security Online self- Smartphone and Risk
security and Risk Management assessment Management
governance, Concepts Concepts
management Problem solving