Page 100 - AREA 4 - PPP
P. 100
1.2.1 Personnel qualifications
1.2.2 Facilities
1.2.3 Information and Inventory
1.2.4 Individual and group counseling
1.2.5 Appraisal and testing
1.2.6 Placement and follow up
1.2.7 Referral
1.2.8 Client satisfaction rating
1.3 Financial Assistance and Scholarship
Quarterly report on financial assistance and scholarship shall be
made available. Comparative data on financial assistance and
scholarship grants for last five years shall be made.
1.4 Job Placement
Evaluating of job placement service shall be based on continuous
active networking with schools and communities, alumni and other
concerned agencies for career and job placement students. Annual report
on job placement of graduates shall be made available.
1.5 Student Publication
Student publication shall be evaluated based on compliance to
Journalism. Act, adherence to editorial policies, number of released made
per semester and client satisfaction ratings.
1.6 Student Organizations
A system of recognition, accreditation, monitoring and evaluation
shall be implemented on the following:
1.7.1. Central Student Government
1.7.2. Student Council
Area IV: Support to Students