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                                 health of every student is an integral component of learning, growing, thriving

                                 and succeeding to their chosen endeavor.

                              c.  The  culture  and  arts  programs  of  the  University  through  the  different  non-

                                 academic student organizations (socio-cultural organization) are of great help

                                 to students by providing the opportunities to showcase and share their artistic

                                 talents. These include the CvSU Choral Ensembles, PandayangSining, Prime

                                 Moverz and others. Their different activities help them to promote their self-

                                 esteem,  develop  their  creativity,  improve  emotional  expression  and

                                 developed good camaraderie and social harmony to others.

                                     The student offices for culture and arts, sports development and student

                              publication are provided by the University. If facilitates the use of the University

                              resources and empower them in their provision of service. This serves as venue

                              for meeting, planning and the conduct of their own student activities.

               4. BEST PRACTICES

                              Cite as many best practices as you can on Parameter D (Institutional Student
                                Programs and Services).

                              a.  The University offers several types of scholarship and financial assistances

                                 where deserving students, particularly from low income family can avail it to

                                 enroll and pursue their education

                              b.  Policies  on  admission,  selection  and  retention  guidelines,  scholarship  and

                                 financial  assistance,  student  activities  and  organization  membership  and

                                 student norm of conduct are disseminated through orientation programs, print

                                 material and using the university website.

                              c.  Tracer study on graduates is conducted

                              d.  Retention policies on courses with board/licensure examination are approved

                                 by BOR/BOT.

                     Area IV: Support to Students
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