Page 30 - PD 1096 BASIC LAW
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The National Building Code (P.D. 1096)

                          (2)  Surfaces  to  which  veneer  is  attached  shall  be  designed  to  support  the  additional
                       vertical and lateral loads imposed by the veneer.
                          (3)  Consideration shall be given to differential movements of the supports including those
                       caused by temperature changes, shrinkage, creep, and deflection.
                          (4)  Adhered veneer and its backing shall be designed to have a bond to the supporting
                       elements  sufficient  to  withstand  shearing  stresses  due  to  their  weights  including  seismic
                       effects on the total assemblage.
                          (5)  Anchored  veneer  and  its  attachment  shall  be  designed  to  resist  horizontal  forces
                       equal to twice the weight of the veneer.
                          (6)  Anchors supports and ties shall be non-combustible and corrosion-resistant.

                       SECTION 1204.  Enclosure of Vertical Openings

                       (a)  General.        Vertical  openings  shall  be  enclosed  depending  upon  the  fire-resistive
               requirements of a particular type of construction as set forth in this Code.
                       (b)  Elevator Enclosures.   Walls and partitions enclosing elevators and escalators shall be of
               not less than the fire-resistive construction required under the Types of Construction.  Enclosing walls
               of elevator shafts may consist of wire glass set in metal frames on the entrance side only.  Elevator
               shafts  extending  through  more  than  two  storeys  shall  be  equipped  with  an  approved  means  of
               adequate ventilations to and through the main roof of the building:  Provided, that in those buildings
               housing  Groups  F  and  G  Occupancies  equipped  with  automatic  fire-extinguishing  systems
               throughout,  enclosures  shall  not  be  required  for  escalators:    Provided,  further  that  the  top  of  the
               escalator  opening  at  each  storey  shall  be  provided  with  a  draft  curtain.    Such  draft  curtain  shall
               enclose the perimeter of the unenclosed opening and shall extend from the ceiling downward at least
               300  millimeters  on  all  sides.    Automatic  sprinklers  shall  be  provided  around  the  perimeter  of  the
               opening and within a 600 millimeters of the draft curtain.  The distance between the sprinkles shall not
               exceed 1.80 meters center-to-center.
                       (c)  Other  Vertical  Openings.      All  shafts,  ducts,  chutes,  and  other  vertical  openings  not
               covered in paragraph (b) above shall have enclosing walls conforming to the requirements specified
               under  the  type  of  construction  of  the  building  in  which  they  are  located.    In  other  than  Group  A
               Occupancies rubbish and linen chutes shall terminate in rooms separated from the remainder of the
               building by a One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation.  Openings into the chutes shall not be
               located in required exit corridors or stairways.
                       (d)  Air Ducts.   Air ducts passing through a floor shall be enclosed in a shaft.  The shaft shall
               be as required in this Code for vertical openings. Dampers shall be installed where ducts pierce the
               shaft  enclosure  walls.    Air  ducts  in  Group  A  Occupancies  need  not  be  enclosed  in  a  shaft  if
               conforming to the mechanical provisions of this Code.

                       SECTION 1205.  Floor Construction

                       (a)  Floors  shall  be  of  such  materials  and  construction  as  specified  under  Chapter  5  Fire
               Zones and Fire-Resistive Standards and under Chapter 6 – Types of Construction.
                       (b)   All floors shall be so framed and secured into the framework and supporting walls as to
               form an integral part of the whole building.
                       (c)   The types of floor construction used shall provide means to keep the beam and girders
               from lateral buckling.

                       SECTION 1206.  Roof Construction and Covering

                       (a)  Roof Covering.   Roof covering for all buildings shall be either fire-retardant or ordinary
               depending  upon  the  fire-resistive  requirements  of  the  particular  type  of  construction.    The  use  of
               combustible roof insulation shall be permitted in all types of construction provided it is covered with
               approved roof covering applied directly thereto.

                       (b)  Roof Trusses.   All roofs shall be so framed and tied into the framework and supporting
               walls so as to form an integral part of the whole building.  Roof trusses shall have all joints well fitted
               and shall have all tension members well tightened before any load is placed in the truss.  Diagonal

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