Page 71 - AREA 4 - PPP
P. 71


                                       2       3 - 5       Gathered data/conducted experiment

                                       3       6 - 8       Analyzed and interpreted data

                                       4       9 -10       Prepared 1” draft of the manuscript

                                       5      11-12        Passed final examination/reproduce

                                                                  final manuscript

                                     A graduate student who complies with the expected output shall be given

                              a grade of S (Satisfactory) while one who fails to accomplish the expected output

                              shall  be  given  a  grade  of  U  (Unsatisfactory).  The  Chairman  of  the  Advisory

                              Committee, in consultation with the other members, shall give the final numerical

                              grade for the thesis/dissertation upon approval of the manuscript.

                          v.  Final  Examination.  A  panel  of  Examiners  shall  administer  the  final  oral

                          examination on a graduate student’s thesis/dissertation. The student’s application for

                          final examination, duly recommended by the Advisory Committee and noted by the

                          Department Chair, shall be submitted for approval of the Dean of GS-OLC not later

                          than two (2) weeks before the actual date of the examination. The student must be

                          enrolled in his thesis/dissertation during the term at which the final examination takes

                          place. Final examination shall be conducted at the main campus.

                                 A candidate must provide a copy of the final draft of the thesis/dissertation

                          manuscript to each of the members of the panel of Examiners at least two (2) weeks

                          before the date of the final examination. The Chairman of the Panel of Examiners

                          shall submit on a prescribed form a report on the result of the examination to the GS-

                          OLC within three (3) days after the final examination.

                                 Panel  of  Examiners.  The  Chairman  and  the  Members  of  the  Panel  of

                          Examiners shall be chosen on the basis of their expertise and area of specialization.

                          The Department Chairperson shall appoint the  Chairman and the members of the


                     Area IV: Support to Students
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